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自 1990 年以來,安東尼奧·利昂發現了家鄉對牡蠣和海鮮的需求日益增加,於是創立了 Togie Distribution 公司。憑藉年輕企業家的敏銳直覺,他開始在歐洲市場上分銷優質牡蠣。隨著客戶需求的持續增長,Togie Distribution 迅速成為法國和歐洲沿海地區主要生產商的市場領導者。我們的客戶來自世界各地的批發商和進口商。

Togie Distribution was founded in 1990 by
Antonio Leone. He began distributing
quality oysters on the Italian market. 

Market leader with producers located on
the French and European coasts.

Our customers: wholesalers and importers
from all over the world.

重點產品 | Highlight Product

1. Divine牡蠣 | Divine Oyster

2. Deesse Blanche牡蠣 | Deesse Blanche Oyster

3. Noblesse牡蠣 | Noblesse Oyster

4. Dame de Bretagne牡蠣 | Dame de Bretagne Oyster


來自諾曼第猶他海灘(Utah Beach Normandy)的特殊牡蠣,形狀圓潤,肉質白皙而結實。

special oyster from Utah Beach Normandy superb round shape, white and firm meat

Deesse Blanche : special oyster from Utah Beach Normandy.  With its famous hazelnut flavor, oysters are both iodized and fleshy.

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Dame de Bretagne牡蠣


Fine oyster from Bretagne They are produced mainly on the Atlantic coast and at the mouth of the Channel. Their main characteristic is to mature slowly and offer a fantastic oceanic taste: Fresh and iodized.

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Deesse Blanche牡蠣

來自諾曼第猶他海灘(Utah Beach Normandy)的特殊牡蠣。以其著名的榛果風味著稱,這款些牡蠣富含鮮美碘味且肉質豐滿。

special oyster from Utah Beach Normandy.  With its famous hazelnut flavor, oysters are both iodized and fleshy.


Noblesse 牡蠣

來自諾曼第布蘭維爾(Blainville Normandy)的特殊牡蠣,在澳洲袋(Australian bags)中養殖。這款牡蠣具有細膩的榛果味和鮮嫩的肉質。

special oyster from Blainville Normandy farmed in Australian bags. This oyster has a delicate hazelnut taste and a delicate meat.

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