Fromagerie Guilloteau

Fromagerie Guilloteau 由充滿熱情的法國乳酪職人Jean-Claude Guilloteau於1981年在法國創立,該品牌濃郁而綿密的新鮮布里乳酪(Fromager d'Affinois)長期以來深受全球乳酪愛好者的喜愛。起源於法國風光明媚的彼魯辛(Pelussin)和貝雷(Belley)地區,品牌創辦人傳承至今的專業技藝打造完美柔軟、如奶油般絲滑的乳酪,融化在您的口中。
Created in France by passionate cheesemaker Jean-Claude Guilloteau in 1981, our rich and creamy fresh Fromager d'Affinois bries have long delighted cheese lovers across the globe.
All the way from the picturesque French countryside of Pelussin and Belley, Guilloteau’s know-how – which is still used to this day – crafts perfectly soft and buttery cheeses that melt in your mouth.
重點產品 | Highlight products
1. Mini d'Affinois 25g x 40 (frozen)
Mini d'Affinois乳酪塊40入(冷凍)
2. Le Fondant Fromager 2kg (chilled)
Le Fondant 流心乳酪2公斤 (冷藏)
3. Mini d'Affinois 25g x 5 (chilled)
Mini d'Affinois乳酪塊5入(冷藏)
4. Truffes 2kg (chilled)
5. Fromager d'Affinois Excellence 454g (chilled)
Affinois頂級乳酪 454公克 (冷藏)